Haldo again, Newgrounds.
I am not dead, and I certainly have not forgotten about you. As is clear to my long-standing watchers by now, I tend to go into long periods of dormancy, and the past four months have been no exception.
Verily, I am not done making music, and undoubtedly more will appear in the near future. Additionally, I have been working on plans for other projects that are not necessarily musical ones, but those are more speculative, as they always have been. Regardless, the march of artiness moves ever onwards.
Anyone who has been following my work for long enough will know that what I value most of all from my listeners are their reviews and thoughts. They sustain me in a way that simple views and votes cannot. However, I naturally cannot garner very many of these when my output is as low as it has been recently. As such, I want to start (on a semi-regular basis) to make posts wherein I ask you all basic(ish) questions and start conversations. You are free to answer in any way you so choose, be that in simple text, or in links to art of various forms, or both. After all, I know more than many that sometimes words are simply not adequate to convey ideas.
My first question is this:
What do you think is the ideal future of humanity?
I will be answering this question in my own way with my next song. Until then, please share your thoughts if you have any. Have fun with it!